Three unique places to go in 2024

Happy New Year to everyone in the Wild Flamingos community! Christmas may be behind us, winter may still be here, and its back to work for most of us – but there are reasons to be optimistic. 2024 promises great opportunities for yet more travel, whether its to lay by the beach, get cultured on a city break or finally embark on that trip of a lifetime.

Below are a few top tips to inspire your 2024 travel plans.

Niseko, Japan

Your author has been here for a spot of snowboarding and can attest to how good this place is for winter sports. Located on Japan’s Hokkaido island, Niseko is not a massive resort if you are going by European standards. But the 48km of slopes and 29 lifts will keep you occupied for a long time. And that is before you even take into account its biggest asset – the snow.  It may be stating the obvious, it is a ski resort after all. By Japanese snow is special.

Not only is Japan the snowiest country in the world –  the resort gets about 15-18 meters of snowfall a season- but its of a different variety to what you are used to in Europe. Instead of wet and heavy, its like talcum powder. Its so light and fluffy that when you are smashing it off-piste (a huge part of Niseko’s attraction) you will need to keep some serious momentum to stop from sinking up to your waist. Tree runs, powder fields ad terrain parks make this an excellent place to push your skills.

Technically the mountain is divided into three resorts, but they are linked and buying a Niseko United pass allows you seamless access. Expect to meet plenty of Australians who pop up to Japan to get way from their Summer, meaning lively bars, and of course with the incredibly courteous Japanese as your hosts, you will be making friends in no time.

Franschhoek, South Africa

Like wine? Of course you do. And if you are not so snobbish that you dismiss all “new world” wines as unworthy, then you will probably enjoy a trip to Franschhoek – South Africa’s second biggest wine region, behind the far more busy Stellenbosch. Situated not too far from Cape Town, this wine region comes with the ultimate form of transportation for all of you who forget to spit and instead swallow their beverages (no sniggering, you at the back) – the Franschhoek Wine Tram.

Honestly, what could be cooler than riding a vintage, double decker tram between vineyards? There are 5 different lines to chose from and the best part is its hop-on-hop-off so you don’t need to make any irritating bookings.

The most famous if the wine estates is Babylonstoren. This place has pedigree, having been founded by the Dutch way back in 1692. If you splash out and chose to stay here in its 5 star hotel, expect some fine dining, wonderfully cultivated gardens spa, garden shop and coffee roastery.

Accra, Ghana

Looking for somewhere to party and to expand your culinary horizons? How about Accra, the capital of Ghana. Sure, its quite different from Ibiza, but aren’t you bored of that by now? Accra offers something unique.

For starters its has become quite the culinary hotspot, with an emphasis on sustainable food. The opening of the Link-up Kitchen in the Osu neighbourhood is a noteworthy development. It serves as a meeting place and test kitchen for the Ghana Food Movement, providing a platform for events like the Dine and Dance series. This series features multicourse dinners prepared by young chefs, emphasizing local ingredients, followed by music from local DJs.

Accra’s nightlife is vibrant, with an electric club scene offering a range of bangin’ beats, showcasing local talent as well as international hits. Accra hosts cultural festivals like Chale Wote Street Art Festival in August and AfroFuture (previously Afrochella) in December, contributing to the city’s lively atmosphere and showcasing its cultural richness.




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